Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Get Ready!

We are almost ready to begin our read-through-the-Bible-chronologically challenge! We will be using this blog to record any insight and testimonies from those who are reading along together. At the very least, Children's Ministry staff will meet on most Tuesdays, discuss reading, and record any observations that came to us as we read during the week.

What better way for us to start this year, looking for God to speak to us, just as He has spoken to all - in His Word.

PLEASE COMMENT as much as possible to keep this a community-building activity! We really want to hear from you.

Joel Shank


  1. Comments appear below the blog, so be sure to look for them.

    If you leave a comment, leave your name so we can identify who wrote it.

    -Joel S.

  2. During my reading on Day 1, I noticed that although God names the land, sea, stars, and Adam, He does not name the sun and moon. He also tells Adam to name all other living things. This makes me wonder where the sun and moon got their names (and why I never noticed this before!).
